
Welcome to RECAVACA project website.

The project is carried out under the INTERREG Caribbean European Territorial Cooperation Program and is co-financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). The RECAVACA project aims to valorize Caribbean cocoa (Guadeloupe and Haiti) and its derivatives, for sale according to the principles of solidarity trade in a high-end market.

It involves three agronomic research institutes: Cirad de Montpellier in France, CATIE in Costa Rica and Cocoa Research Center in Trinidad.

Project Display

Recavaca: a cooperation project for the valorization of cocoa

The RECAVACA project aims at the strengthening of the economical diversification of Haïti and Guadeloupe areas, on the long term the caribbean region, through the transfer of knowledge and the commercialization of innovative product from a fair, local, organic and top of range cocoa. Continue reading “Project Display”

Who we are

AGED- Association Guadeloupe Equitable and Sustainable

Founded in March 2011 in order to participate in the design of a fairer economic, social and environmental world, our association seeks to promote Sustainable Development and Fair Trade within the Caribbean Region and in particular in Guadeloupe.

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Le Cacao

L’histoire du cacao dans la région Caraïbe

La région de la Caraïbe englobe les îles et les régions continentales américaines qui entourent la mer des Caraïbes. Cette région pauvre mais touristique a longtemps abrité d’immenses plantations cacaoyères et ses grands cultivateurs en raison de son climat chaud et humide. Les cacaos obtenus y étaient d’ailleurs rares et très appréciés. Ils le sont encore aujourd’hui, cependant, la plupart des plantations ont été abandonnées.
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